Genetically Modified Organism Myths Debunked:
GMO: What is the independent scientific consensus?
GMO Answers
The Facts About GMOs
"20 points of broad scientific consensus on GE crops" By Pamela Ronald and Karl Haro von Mogel
"More than 240 organizations and scientific institutions support the safety of GM crops"
Washington Post - "Genetically modified foods: What is and isn’t true" by Tamar Haspel
"20 GMO questions: Animal, vegetable, controversy?" By Nathanael Johnson
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
"Persistent Anti-GMO Myths" by Steven Novella
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by DAN CHARLES
"Is GM Food Safe? Experts Around the Globe Answer"
"GLP Infographic: International science organizations on crop biotech safety"
"GLP Infographic: 10 reasons we need crop biotechnology"
Popular Science - "Core Truths: 10 Common GMO Claims Debunked" By Brooke Borel
"No Health Concerns for GMO" by Steven Novella
"Top five myths about genetic modification" by Richard Richards
"Everything You Need To Know About GMOs" by Sarah Jacoby
"Dueling Narratives on Organic Farming" by Steven Novella
Scientific American - "The Truth about Genetically Modified Food" By David H. Freedman
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
"Scientific consensus on GMO safety stronger than for global warming" by Jon Entine & Rebecca Randall
"5 Things to Know About GMOs" By Jessica Migala
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"Anti-GMO critics could use lesson in critical thinking" by William Saletan
Scientist and Advocate Moms to Celeb Moms: Weigh GMO Food with Facts Not Fear by Kavin Senapathy
Kevin Folta on Reddit Ask Me Anything
"AAAS Scientists: Consensus on GMO Safety Firmer Than For Human-Induced Climate Change" by Jon Entine
"The International Scientific Consensus On Genetically Engineered Food Safety"
"Biotech Foods are Safe. Says Who? [INFOGRAPHIC]" By Liz Sanders MPH, RD
"Answering Questions About GMOs" by Steven Novella
"8 Lies About GMOs" by Steven Novella
"Top 5 food myths that need to go away" By Yvette d’Entremont
Washington Post - "107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs" By Joel Achenbach
"10 Bullsh*t Arguments Against GMOs" By Yvette d'Entremont
"8 Signs You’re Not the Environmentalist You Think You Are" By Yvette d'Entremont
"Iowa farmer debunks 8 popular myths about GMOs" by Michelle Miller
"The GMO scientific consensus – it's unequivocal and overwhelming"
Forbes - "The Debate About GMO Safety Is Over, Thanks To A New Trillion-Meal Study" by Jon Entine
"19 Years of Feeding Animals GMO Shows No Harm" by Steven Novella
"A Decade of EU-funded GMO Research 2001-2010" (.pdf)
"With 2000+ global studies confirming safety, GM foods among most analyzed subjects in science" by JoAnna Wendel
600+ published safety assessments
Studies with independent funding
"The biological activity of glyphosate to plants and animals: a literature review." by Smith EA, Oehme FW.
"Yield Trends Are Insufficient to Double Global Crop Production by 2050" by Deepak K. Ray, Nathaniel D. Mueller, Paul C. West, and Jonathan A. Foley
"A Survey of Long Term GM Food Studies"
"Massive Review Reveals Consensus on GMO Safety" by Ross Pomeroy
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology - "An overview of the last 10 years of genetically engineered crop safety research" by Alessandro Nicolia, Alberto Manzo, Fabio Veronesi, and Daniele Rosellini
Study - "Golden Rice is an effective source of vitamin A" by Guangwen Tang, Jian Qin, Gregory G Dolnikowski, Robert M Russell, and Michael A Grusak
"A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops" by Wilhelm Klümper & Matin Qaim
Nature Biotechnology - "Another inconvenient truth"
Are GMO's dangerous?
"Scientific consensus on GMO safety stronger than for global warming" Jon Entine & Rebecca Randall
Scientific American - "The Truth about Genetically Modified Food" By David H. Freedman
"Is GM Food Safe? Experts Around the Globe Answer"
"20 points of broad scientific consensus on GE crops" By Pamela Ronald and Karl Haro von Mogel
"No Scientific Evidence For Italian GM Maize Ban, Says EFSA" by Nathan Gray
Forbes - "Are GMOs Safe? Global Independent Science Organizations Weigh In" By Jon Entine
Forbes - "Alleged Danger of GMOs Not Looking Very Real" by Emily Willingham
"Genetic modification: Seed companies fight back" By Jane Wells
"The genetically modified food debate: Where do we begin?" by Nathaniel Johnson
Discovery - "Elle Magazine Hops Aboard the GMO Fright Train" By Keith Kloor
NY Times - "A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA" By AMY HARMON
"No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn" By Jon Entine
"Unraveling Five Popular Anti-GMO Claims" by Emil Karlsson
"No, GMOs Won't Harm Your Health" By Indre Viskontas
"Don’t fear GMOs: Genetically modified food is just the latest chapter in 10,000 years of high-tech agriculture" By Mark R. O’Brian
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
Forbes - "Note To Neil Young: Monsanto Isn't Evil, And GMOs Are Harmless" by Kavin Senapathy
"GMOs, Safety, and Lost Opportunities" by Kevin Folta
"244 reasons why GMOs are safe: Global science organizations endorse crop biotech" by Daniel Norero
"AAAS Scientists: Consensus on GMO Safety Firmer Than For Human-Induced Climate Change" by Jon Entine
"Senate Democrat Slams Climate Change Activists Who Deny Science On GMOs" by Guy Bentley
Forbes - "Why GMOs Don't Cause Cancer" by Michael Stebbins
"When Liars Cross the Line - GMO Insulin" by Kevin M. Folta
"GMO corn that resists cancer-causing aflatoxin showcases biotech’s life-saving potential" by Steve Savage
Is organic necessarily healthier or better for the environment?
"15 years after debuting GMO crops, Colombia’s switch has benefited farmers and environment" by Daniel Norero
"GMO corn that resists cancer-causing aflatoxin showcases biotech’s life-saving potential" by Steve Savage
NY Times - "Stanford Scientists Cast Doubt on Advantages of Organic Meat and Produce" by By KENNETH CHANG
"Genetic engineering vs. natural breeding: What’s the difference?" by Nathanael Johnson
Discover - "Are lower pesticide residues a good reason to buy organic? Probably not." By Christie Wilcox
Reuters - "Organic food no healthier than non-organic: study" By Genevra Pittman
"Food Poisoning: Organic greens (again)" by Steve Milloy
New York Times - "The Ecological Case Against Organics" by Christie Wilcox
"Organic food exposed" by Elizabeth Finkel
"The Hidden Dangers In Organic Food" by Alex Avery
"Organic Food Quality" by Steven Novella
"New Organic Farming Meta-analysis – What Does it Really Show?" by Steven Novella
"Approved Chemicals for Use in Organic Postharvest Systems"
"Organic Food, Pesticides, and Cancer" by Steven Novella
USA Today - "Frozen berry mix sparks hepatitis A outbreak in 5 states" by Elizabeth Weise
"The organic hepatitis outbreak: We need organic field testing" Mischa Popoff
"GM crops are safer than conventional crops, says Environment Secretary Owen Paterson" by TOM BAWDEN
"Be a Good Kid and Eat Your GMO Vegetables" By Michael White
"Organic food – What is an ‘organic’ label really worth?" By Jon Entine
NY Times - "A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA" By AMY HARMON
Scientific American - "Are lower pesticide residues a good reason to buy organic? Probably not." By Christie Wilcox
"No Health Benefits from Organic Food" by Steven Novella
"GMOs and Corn Mycotoxins"
"Unraveling Five Popular Anti-GMO Claims" by Emil Karlsson
"Goodbye GMOs (and vitamin B12, D, A, and Riboflavin): New non-GMO Grape Nuts and Original Cheerios are ‘certainly less nutritious’, claims professor"
"Stonyfield Recalls YoBaby Yogurt Cups for Potential Coliform Contamination"
"The Biggest Myth About Organic Farming" by Ross Pomeroy
"Organic food isn’t cleaner and isn’t toxin-free" by James Greiff
"Genetically Engineered Plants Could Clean Humanity's Messes" by Charles Q. Choi
"Spending More For Organic Does Not Buy You Pesticide-Free" By Steve Savage
"3 organic food companies recall products over listeria fears" By KRISTIN J. BENDER
"Is Organic Food More Healthful?" by Steven Novella
The Guardian - "Organic and UHT milk could put unborn babies at risk, says study"
Washington Post - "Your favorite organic brand is actually owned by a multinational food company" By Peter Whoriskey
Washington Post - "USDA declines to investigate alleged violations at major organic farms" By Peter Whoriskey
LA Times - "Is organic food worth the higher price? Many experts say no" by David Lazarus
"Organic and UHT milk could put unborn babies at risk, says study"
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
"Is organic farming sustainable? 5 carbon footprint challenges" by David Despain
"Is organic food actually good? Here’s what the science says"
The Telegraph - "Think organic food is better for you, animals, and the planet? Think again" by BJØRN LOMBORG
"Fitness and health expert: 10 science-based reasons why I’m thankful for GMOs" by Maria Brilaki
"Indian crop scientists: 9 natural organic pesticides that can harm our health and ecosystem" by Tokivi Zhimomi & Vandana Verma
"6 Ways GMOs Make Agriculture More Environmentally Friendly"
"20-year GMO report card: Biotech shrinks ag’s ecological impact, increased farm income $167 billion" by Andrew Porterfield
"5 Things To Know About GMOs This World Environment Day" By Michael Stebbins
"Organic Farming is Bad for the Environment" by Steven Novella
Former anti-GMO activist Mark Lynas:
Point of Inquiry podcast - "Mark Lynas - Science and the Left"
Mark Lynas - Lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 3 January 2013
"Time to call out the anti-GMO conspiracy theory"
"A founder of the anti-GM food movement on how he got it wrong" by Charlie Gillis
The Guardian - "Mark Lynas: truth, treachery and GM food" by Will Storr
"Golden promise: How ‘biofortification’ could soon be saving hundreds of thousands of lives"
"Mark Lynas Responds to His Detractors" By Keith Kloor
"Leading Environmental Activist’s Blunt Confession: I Was Completely Wrong To Oppose GMOs" By Torie Bosch
"An Environmentalist’s Public Reversal"
"The Anti-GMO Movement Continues To Disappoint" by a former member of the anti-GMO Movement
"Mark Lynas admits having sinned for being a former anti-GMO activist" Joel C. Paredes
"Why I turned from GM opponent to advocate" by Mark Lynas
NY Times - "How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food" By MARK LYNAS
"A plea to Greenpeace" by Mark Lynas
Mark Lynas at Danforth Center Seeds of Change Address:
Are GMOs safety tested?
"The GM safety dance: What’s rule and what’s real" By Nathanael Johnson
NY Times - "A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA" By AMY HARMON
Scientific American - "Farming a Toxin To Protect Crops, Pollinators and People" By Ferris Jabr
"Answering Questions About GMOs" by Steven Novella
"10 Bullsh*t Arguments Against GMOs" By Yvette d'Entremont
"Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms: Canada"
"Iowa farmer debunks 8 popular myths about GMOs" by Michelle Miller
Has the safety of GMO's been studied for long enough?
GMO Answers - "Are there any long term (30+ years) studies done on the full spectrum ecological impact of transgenic GMO organisms? "
"Why there are no long term GMO studies on humans"
Discover - "The Very Thick Line Between Raising Concerns And Denialism" By Christie Wilcox
"How can you be sure that GMO foods won't affect human health long-term?"
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
"A Rebuttal To the Monsanto Protestors" by Josh Flint
"How to Really March Against Monsanto"
"Let's Blame Monsanto's Glyphosate For Everything! (or not)" by Josh Flint
Scientific American - "Can We Trust Monsanto with Our Food?" By Nina Fedoroff
NY Times - "A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA" By AMY HARMON
"The Cartoonish March Against Monsanto" By Keith Kloor
"Argumentum Ad Monsantum: Bill Maher and The Lure of a Liberal Logical Fallacy" By Kyle Hill
"Why Does Everyone Hate Monsanto?" By Lessley Anderson
"GMO Foods and the Tooth Fairy" Dr. Robert T. Fraley
"Monsanto’s Plan to Help the Honeybee" By Susan Young Rojahn
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
"6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Monsanto" By Manny Schewitz
Forbes - "Note To Neil Young: Monsanto Isn't Evil, And GMOs Are Harmless" by Kavin Senapathy
"Iowa farmer debunks 8 popular myths about GMOs" by Michelle Miller
Monsanto Myths:
Does Monsanto aggressively attack small farmers?
Forbes - "Supremes Unsympathetic to Farmer's Deception at Center of Monsanto GMO Soybean SCOTUS Patent Challenge" by Jon Entine
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" (#2) by Dan Charles
"Hero of Neil Young’s anti-GMO doc ‘Seeding Fear’ is confessed thief" by Jon Entine & Rebecca Randall
"10 Bullsh*t Arguments Against GMOs" By Yvette d'Entremont
"Bette Midler criticizes Monsanto’s seed patent contracts—and gets schooled by farmers" by Michelle Miller
The mythical Monsanto Protection Act:
Snopes on Monsanto Protection Act
“Monsanto Protection Act” is a bullshit, made-up term. There is no such thing.
“Monsanto Protection Act”: Anti-GMO Conspiracy Theorists Lose It Over Minor Deregulation by DAVID BIER
Conservatives Laugh As Liberals Attack President Over Non-Existent ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ By Nathaniel Downes
"Monsanto Protection Act? Separating the facts from the fury" by Jon Entine
"Seralini GMO Study Republished" by Steven Novella
Monsanto Is Not Going On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity:
"No, Monsanto Is Not Going On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity" Kavin Senapathy br>
Gilles-Eric Séralini's GM corn causes cancer in rats study debunked:
"The Seralini GMO Study – Retraction and Response to Critics" by Steven Novella
"Monsanto's GM Corn And Cancer In Rats: Real Scientists Deeply Unimpressed. Politics Not Science Perhaps?" by Tim Worstall
Forbes - "Anti-GMO Scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini, Activist Jeffrey Smith Withdraw from Food Biotech Debate" by Jon Entine
"The Seralini Rule"
"Antivaccine versus anti-GMO: Different goals, same methods" by David Gorski
European Food Safety Authority - "Final review of the Séralini et al. (2012a) publication on a 2-year rodent feeding study with glyphosate formulations and GM maize NK603 as published online on 19 September 2012 in Food and Chemical Toxicology"
"Henry Rowlands, organic movement’s cyber mastermind behind anti-GMO websites" by Jon Entine
"GMO Opponents Are the Climate Skeptics of the Left" By Keith Kloor
Pusztai affair:
Wikipedia - "Pusztai affair"
Other anti-GMO studies debunked:
"Séralini’s controversial GMOs cause cancer article retracted"
"How Scare Tactics on GMO Foods Hurt Everybody" by Pamela Ronald
"GMO pigs study – more junk science" by Mark Lynas
"More bad science in the service of anti-GMO activism" by David Gorski
"Detailed comment on Carman et al (2013): study design and conduct"
"Pollan and Bittman, the Morano and Milloy of GMO anti-science" by Mark Hoofnagle
"Environmentalists Must Face Down the Anti-Science in Their Own House" by Mark Hoofnagle
Forbers - "Metastisizing Misinformation About GMOs And RNA: Ugly Glare On Union Of Concerned Scientists, Consumers Union" by Jon Entine
"10 studies proving GMOs are harmful? Not if science matters" by Layla Katiraee
"Meet the Controversial MIT Scientist Who Claims She Discovered a Cause of Gluten Intolerance" by By Ari LeVaux
GMO Labeling legislation:
"Why we need to label GMOs" Mark Lynas lecture
"GMO labeling: Trick or treat?" By Nathanael Johnson
Scientific American - "Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea"
New Yorker - "Seeds of Doubt" BY MICHAEL SPECTER
New Yorker - "The Problem with G.M.O. Labels" BY MICHAEL SPECTER
"Maine Voices: Backers of GMO labeling unthinkingly buy conspiracy-based arguments" By MIKE BENDZELA
"Let's Get Real About GMO Labeling" by Josh Flint
Forbes - "The Roots Of The Anti-Genetic Engineering Movement? Follow The Money!" By Jay Byrne and Henry I. Miller
LA Times - "Using junk science to promote Proposition 37" By Michael Hiltzik
"Organic food – What is an ‘organic’ label really worth?" By Jon Entine
"Scientific American comes out in favor of GMOs, and I agree" By Ashutosh Jogalekar
Scientific American - "GMO Labeling, I-522, and Why This Debate Sucks for Progressive Scientists Like Me" By Kevin Bonham
"GMO Labeling: I'll Agree When..." by Kevin M. Folta
Genetic Literacy Project Infographic: Is labeling GMOs really about our “Right to Know”? by Jon Entine
"Organic Lobbyists Petition To Prevent USDA From Having Organic Food Oversight" By Hank Campbell (example of Organic Movement's hypocrisy)
"Genetically Modified Ignorance" By Stan Sinberg
"Whole Foods' Anti-GMO Swindle" by Michael Schulson
"10 things that would fix the food system faster than GMO-labeling" By Nathanael Johnson
"4 problems GMO labeling won’t solve" By Nathanael Johnson
Washington Post - Over 80 percent of Americans support “mandatory labels on foods containing DNA” By Ilya Somin
Washington Post - "We don’t need labels on genetically modified foods" By Editorial Board
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
No One Is Denying a ‘Right to Know What's in My Food’ by JAMES HAMBLIN
"Artificially Selected Organisms" by Steven Novella
Forbes - "Note To Neil Young: Monsanto Isn't Evil, And GMOs Are Harmless" by Kavin Senapathy
The Boston Globe - "Science, not fear, should guide food labeling laws"
"Non GMO salt? Water? Food companies exploit GMO free labels, misleading customers, promoting misinformation" by Ilan Brat
Washington Post - Why ‘GMO-free’ is a marketing ploy you shouldn’t fall for By Rachel Feltman
"Answering Questions About GMOs" by Steven Novella
"The GMO labeling movement is as organic as a Twinkie" By Julie Kelly
"Six real consequences of GMO labeling – you may be shocked by #5!"
Wall Street Journal - "Anti-GMO Push Threatens Higher Food Cost" By Darren McKinney
"GMO-Free Milk: Is There Really Such a Thing?" By Tamika Sims, PhD
Terminator seeds (aka GURT or Gene Use Restricted Technology):
"The Truth About the Terminator"
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by DAN CHARLES
"Unraveling Five Popular Anti-GMO Claims" by Emil Karlsson
"Persistent Anti-GMO Myths" by Steven Novella
Glyphosate and other Pesticides or Hericides:
"Glyphosate found ‘not carcinogenic’: Key European safety agency joins consensus view on herbicide’s safety" by Andrew Porterfield
GMOs, food and pesticides 101: No chemical “flood” and yields are rising by Marc Brazeau
Myth of the Week 2002: "Glyphosate is the Agent Orange of our time"
"Ending the Agent Orange Myth" by Michael Fumento
"The Myth of Agent Orange and Clinical Neuropsychology"
Scientific American - "Are lower pesticide residues a good reason to buy organic? Probably not." By Christie Wilcox
PBS - "GMOs May Feed the World Using Fewer Pesticides" By Amy Maxmen
"Don’t believe what Dr. Oz is saying about an agricultural herbicide" by Steve Savage
"The Biggest Myth About Organic Farming" by Ross Pomeroy
"4 problems GMO labeling won’t solve" By Nathanael Johnson
"Spending More For Organic Does Not Buy You Pesticide-Free" By Steve Savage
"Pesticides and ADHD" by Steven Novella
"Glyphosate toxicity: Looking past the hyperbole, and sorting through the facts."
NY Times - "Replacing Pesticides With Genetics" By DEVIN POWELL
"Glyphosate – The New Bogeyman" by Steven Novella
"Glyphosate cleared as danger to honey bees" Andrew Porterfield
Reuters - "European scientists say weedkiller glyphosate unlikely to cause cancer" BY BARBARA LEWIS
Biotech Opponents: Enough with “If It’s Safe Then Drink It” Rhetoric by Kavin Senapathy
"Examining the anti-GMO hypothesis that vaccines contain glyphosate" by Andrew Porterfield
"How to Mislead With Statistics: GMO Crops Edition" by KEVIN DRUM
"10 Bullsh*t Arguments Against GMOs" By Yvette d'Entremont
"Indian crop scientists: 9 natural organic pesticides that can harm our health and ecosystem" by Tokivi Zhimomi & Vandana Verma
"Should you be concerned about trace pesticides on foods, fruits and vegetables?" by Steve Savage
"Without Glyphosate, What Would Farming Look Like?" by Dave Walton
Does Glyphosate cause Celiac, gluten intolerance, gastrointestinal disorders, autism, etc?
"Meet the Controversial MIT Scientist Who Claims She Discovered a Cause of Gluten Intolerance" by By Ari LeVaux
"Ultimate Gluten Free: Does Glyphosate Cause Celiac Disease? Actually, No!" By Peter Olins, Ph.D
"A Fishy Attempt To Link Glyphosate And Celiac Disease" By Steve Savage
"Glyphosate – The New Bogeyman" by Steven Novella
"Junk Science? Number 58: Glyphosphate in Roundup and very disturbing research about Parkinson’s, cancer and other chronic diseases." by Chris Woollams
"Oh, no! GMOs are going to make everyone autistic!" by Orac
Reuters - "Glyphosate battle" by By Kate Kelland
Entomology Today - "Bt Sweet Corn Can Reduce Insecticide Use"
"In the insecticide wars, GMOs have so far been a force for good" By Nathanael Johnson
GMO contamination of organic crops?
"Persistent Anti-GMO Myths" by Steven Novella
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by DAN CHARLES
"Answering Questions About GMOs" by Steven Novella
Saving seeds for to replant the following year:
"Persistent Anti-GMO Myths" by Steven Novella
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by DAN CHARLES
Why we need GMO's:
Forbes - "New Biotech Crops Could Dramatically Reduce Cancer Risk In Developing Countries" by Steven Savage
"GLP Infographic: 10 reasons we need crop biotechnology"
MIT Technology Review - "Why We Will Need Genetically Modified Foods" By David Rotman
"Crop yield trends insufficient to feed the word in 2050: Study" by Caroline Scott-Thomas
The Guardian - "World's poorest will feel brunt of climate change, warns World Bank" by Fiona Harvey
NY Times - "A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA" By AMY HARMON
"Another View: Like it or not, biotech is a necessary ag tool" by Julie Borlaug
"The genetically modified organism could save millions of lives." By Andy Coghlan
"Cancer fighting purple tomatoes harvested in Leamington"
"Why GMOs matter — especially for the developing world" By Ramez Naam
"Genetically engineered mosquitoes could be vital weapon against malaria" By Elisabeth Braw
PBS - "GMOs May Feed the World Using Fewer Pesticides" By Amy Maxmen
PBS - "We need GMOs to feed a growing population" By Annalee Newitz
"GM banana designed to slash African infant mortality enters human trials" by CAHAL MILMO
"GMO viruses + bacteria + GMO tobacco likely saved Ebola patients"
"Should GMOs Help Feed a Hot & Hungry World?"
Newsweek - "GMO Scientists Could Save the World From Hunger, If We Let Them" BY TOM PARRETT
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"3 ways GMO rice could improve world but tech hurdles and anti-GMO protests block way" by Iida Ruishalme
The Guardian - "Science bodies urge Scottish government to rethink GM crops ban" by Severin Carrell
"Matt Moscou’s plant discovery leads to human leukaemia treatment"
"Scientists engineered goats whose milk could save thousands of poor children's lives. A world wary of GMOs was not ready." BY Megan Molteni
"3 disease resistant GMOs could address climate change and save farmers billions" by Nicholas Staropoli
GMOs produce more yields:
KTN News Kenya - "Successful Kenya GMO corn field trials show 40% yield increase compared to conventional corn"
"Organic Farms, Wasting Water and Land for Far Lower Yields" by HENRY I. MILLER & JULIE KELLY
Forbes - "How GMOs Can Help Us Do More With Less" by Kate Hall
"Kevin Folta: If GMO crops don’t meet expectations, why do so many farmers grow them?" by Kevin Folta
Yale professor calls New York Times’ Hakim GMO story ‘a hack piece with a biased narrative’ By Steven Novella
GMOs, food and pesticides 101: No chemical “flood” and yields are rising by Marc Brazeau
"How to Mislead With Statistics: GMO Crops Edition" by KEVIN DRUM
"Do GMOs boost yields? ‘Superwheat’ set for field trials boosts harvests by 20%" by Michael Le Page
"Gene editing yields tomatoes that flower and ripen weeks earlier"
"6 Ways GMOs Make Agriculture More Environmentally Friendly"
"5 Things To Know About GMOs This World Environment Day" By Michael Stebbins
Is genetically modifying crops new?
"Richard Dawkins talks about GMO crops"
"Nature busts anti-GMO myth: Gene swapping among plants, insects common occurence" by Arvind Suresh
Are genetically modifying worse for the environment?
Forbes - "Fear And Loathing Of Genetic Engineering At The Los Angeles Times" by Henry I. Miller
Do RNAs end up in people's blood?
Forbes - "Alleged Danger of GMOs Not Looking Very Real" by Emily Willingham
Do genetically engineered crops really increase herbicide use?
"Do genetically engineered crops really increase herbicide use?"
Did GMOs cause farmers in India to commit suicide?
"The GMO-Suicide Myth" by Keith Kloor
"The myth of India’s ‘GM genocide’: Genetically modified cotton blamed for wave of farmer suicides" Rubab Abid
Nature - "Case studies: A hard look at GM crops" by Natasha Gilbert
"Persistent Anti-GMO Myths" by Steven Novella
Are GMOs creating herbicide-resistant superweeds?
Nature - "Case studies: A hard look at GM crops" by Natasha Gilbert
Are the foreign transgenes in GM crops spreading into other plants?
Nature - "Case studies: A hard look at GM crops" by Natasha Gilbert
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
Do GMOs cause leukemia/cancer?
Forbes - "New Biotech Crops Could Dramatically Reduce Cancer Risk In Developing Countries" by Steven Savage
"GMOs cause leukemia!? Think again." by Anastasia Bodnar
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
"Bt and Leukemia – Another Anti-GMO Myth" by Steven Novella
"Matt Moscou’s plant discovery leads to human leukaemia treatment"
Reuters - "European scientists say weedkiller glyphosate unlikely to cause cancer" BY BARBARA LEWIS
What's the difference between GMO's and "organic"?
"Genetic engineering: Do the differences make a difference?" by Nathanael Johnson
Do GMOs spread allergens?
"Genetically engineered food: Allergic to regulations?" By Nathanael Johnson
Scientific American - "Allergic to Science–Proteins and Allergens in Our Genetically Engineered Food" By Kevin Bonham
"GM cow designed to produce milk without an allergy-causing protein" by Ian Sample
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
How are GMO foods regulated?
"How are GMO foods regulated?" By Nathanael Johnson
Have there been studies done that show GMOs do NOT harm our health?
"I know there haven't been definitive studies that conclude that GMOs can do harm to one's body, but have there been studies done that show GMOs do NOT harm our health?"
Are farmers forced to buy GM seeds?
"Unraveling Five Popular Anti-GMO Claims" by Emil Karlsson
"Are GMOs worth their weight in gold? To farmers, not exactly" By Nathanael Johnson
"Bonus column: Farmers eat the GMO food, too" by LAURIE JOHNS
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
"GMOs – From a Farmer’s Perspective" By Melinda Johnson
"Do Big Ag companies sue or harass innocent farmers for unknowingly planting patented seeds?" by Layla Katiraee
"Iowa farmer debunks 8 popular myths about GMOs" by Michelle Miller
Does a “patent” allow a private company to own the seeds created?
Does a “patent” allow a private company to own the seeds created?
"Challenging myths: Yes, seeds that grow organic food are often patented" by Andrew Porterfield
"Why activists, but few farmers, complain they can’t save patented seeds" by Andrew Porterfield
What's the harm in opposing GMOs?
"The Italian job: Farmers facing pests pay dearly for Europe’s anti-GM stance" By Mischa Popoff
"Anti-Biotech Opposition to Golden Rice Has Cost 1.4 Million 'Life Years' in India Alone. Will Anyone Be Held Accountable?" by Peter Suderman
The Guardian - "GM scaremongering in Africa is disarming the fight against poverty" by Rob Bailey
Formaldehyde in GMOs?
GMOs contain formaldehyde? Kevin Folta challenge: ‘Let’s cooperate on lab analysis’ (crickets) by Kevin Folta
"Ayyadurai’s formaldehyde-in-GMOs claim challenged, engineer refuses verification offer" by Kavin Senapathy
Why people oppose GMOs?
Scientific American - "Why People Oppose GMOs Even Though Science Says They Are Safe" By Stefaan Blancke
Anti-GMO activists:
"GMO and Dunning Kruger" by Steve Novella
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
"Standing Up for GMOs"
"For GM food and vaccinations, the panic virus is a deadly disease" by David Tribe & Richard Roush
"To change anti-science activists' minds, go beyond science" by Rod Lamberts
"Anti-GMO movement exposed for the destructive force they are"
"Anti-GMO Activist Roseanne Barr Goes Off the Deep End" by Emil Karlsson
Forbes - "Thinking Outside The GMO Box" by Beth Hoffman
"Anti-GMO activists in Bangladesh tell lies to farmers and the media"
"Henry Rowlands, organic movement’s cyber mastermind behind anti-GMO websites" by Jon Entine
"Dissent is not permitted: a look inside Kelowna’s anti-GMO cult" by Blythe Nilson
"The cult of anti-GMO: A lot like the cult of antivaccine" by Orac
"Making friends with Frankenfood: What critics, supporters miss in conversation over GMOs" by Emily Ruppel
"Marketing Biofortified GMOs" by Steven Novella
"PBS GMO Debate" by Steve Novella
"Why former organic farmer, food inspector turned against Big Organic to embrace GMOs" Mischa Popoff
"Anti-GMO critics could use lesson in critical thinking" by William Saletan
"Senate Democrat Slams Climate Change Activists Who Deny Science On GMOs" by Guy Bentley
"The True Story About Who Destroyed a Genetically Modified Rice Crop" By Mark Lynas
Anti-GMO activists are the ones practicing “tobacco science" by Marc Brazeau
"Squash Pots and Bad Bananas: The Cultural Myopia of American Food Activists" by Amy Porterfield Levy & Julie Kelly
Forbes - How 'Organic' Agriculture Evolved From Marketing Tool To Evil Empire By Julie Kelly and Henry I. Miller
"Nobel Laureate Richard Roberts: Greenpeace, green lobby spread ‘lies’ about GMOs to raise money" by Manon Verchot
Organics Industry:
"The Anti-Profit Narrative" by Steven Novella
Vandana Shiva:
"Vandana Shiva and GMOs" by Steve Novella
"Who is Vandana Shiva and why is she saying such awful things about GMOs?" by Cami Ryan & Jon Entine
"New Yorker editor David Remnick responds to Vandana Shiva criticism of Michael Specter’s profile" by David Remnick
GMOs contain formaldehyde? Kevin Folta challenge: ‘Let’s cooperate on lab analysis’ (crickets) by Kevin Folta
"Exploring GM Foods (Part III – The Third Eye of Shiva)" by Anand Ranganathan
Vani Hari aka Food Babe:
"Kevin Folta deconstructs Food Babe’s response to students in scathing fashion" by Kevin Folta & Vani Hari |
The "Food Babe" Blogger Is Full of Shit by Yvette d'Entremont
"The Collapse of Food Babe: Or, How Not to Manage a Crisis" by Morgan Fisher
"Eating Yoga Mats" by Steven Novella
"The Food Babe actually made orange Gatorade less healthy. Here’s how." by Wally Colgan
Forbes - "The Toxic 'Chemical Hypocrisy' Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman" By Mark Alsip and Kavin Senapathy
Forbes - "" by Kavin Senapathy
Beware Of The 'Food Babe Fallacy' In Your Mac And Cheese by Kavin Senapathy
Yvette d’Entremont the Science Babe – 'BS Detection and the Fall of the Food Babe':
"Greenpeace founder now protesting their stance on Golden Rice" BY KEVIN CONNOR
"Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore rips ‘Greenpeace’s Crime Against Humanity’ for opposing Golden Rice which can eliminate vitamin A deficiency"
"Adrian Dubock, Golden Rice scientist: Greenpeace, GMO critics misrepresent humanitarian project" by Adrian Dubock
"Greenpeace Lies About GMOs: Nobel Laureate Richard Roberts" by Manon Verchot
Union Of Concerned Scientists:
Forbers - "Metastisizing Misinformation About GMOs And RNA: Ugly Glare On Union Of Concerned Scientists, Consumers Union" by Jon Entine
"Union of Concerned Scientists: Advocacy group promotes unscientific views on GMOs"
Shiva Ayyadurai:
"Ayyadurai’s formaldehyde-in-GMOs claim challenged, engineer refuses verification offer" by Kavin Senapathy
Neil Young:
"Hero of Neil Young’s anti-GMO doc ‘Seeding Fear’ is confessed thief" by Jon Entine & Rebecca Randall
"Challenging myths: Yes, seeds that grow organic food are often patented" by Andrew Porterfield
Forbes - "Note To Neil Young: Monsanto Isn't Evil, And GMOs Are Harmless" by Kavin Senapathy
Joseph Mercola:
Forbes - "The Toxic 'Chemical Hypocrisy' Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman" By Mark Alsip and Kavin Senapathy
Mark Hyman:
Forbes - "The Toxic 'Chemical Hypocrisy' Of Food Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman" By Mark Alsip and Kavin Senapathy
Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsel:
"Meet the Controversial MIT Scientist Who Claims She Discovered a Cause of Gluten Intolerance" by By Ari LeVaux
"Ultimate Gluten Free: Does Glyphosate Cause Celiac Disease? Actually, No!" By Peter Olins, Ph.D
"A Fishy Attempt To Link Glyphosate And Celiac Disease" By Steve Savage
"Glyphosate – The New Bogeyman" by Steven Novella
"Junk Science? Number 58: Glyphosphate in Roundup and very disturbing research about Parkinson’s, cancer and other chronic diseases." by Chris Woollams
"Oh, no! GMOs are going to make everyone autistic!" by Orac
Are GMOs increasing the price of food?
"Top 10 Consumer Questions About GMOs, Answered"
Biofortified Crops:
"Marketing Biofortified GMOs" by Steven Novella
"If you don’t want your food genetically modified, tell nature to stop it." By Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar
Golden Rice:
"Improving the nutritional value of Golden Rice through increased pro-vitamin A content" (.pdf)
NY Times - "Golden Rice: Lifesaver?" By AMY HARMON
Study - "Golden Rice is an effective source of vitamin A" by Guangwen Tang, Jian Qin, Gregory G Dolnikowski, Robert M Russell, and Michael A Grusak
"The GMO Controversy" by Steven Novella
"Marketing Biofortified GMOs" by Steven Novella
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
"3 ways GMO rice could improve world but tech hurdles and anti-GMO protests block way" by Iida Ruishalme
"Fortified against blindness" By Adityarup Chakravorty
Purple Rice:
"Antioxidant-boosting GMO purple rice could decrease cancer and other health risks"
Agent Orange?
"Don’t believe what Dr. Oz is saying about an agricultural herbicide" by Steve Savage
"Behold, the banana without human intervention"
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
"Fortified against blindness" By Adityarup Chakravorty
"Squash Pots and Bad Bananas: The Cultural Myopia of American Food Activists" by Amy Porterfield Levy & Julie Kelly
"Cheese: The GMO food even die-hard GMO opponents eat and love (and oppose a label for)" by XiaoZhi Lim
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"You Can Thank Genetic Engineering For Your Delicious Cheese" by Levi Gadye
KTN News Kenya - "Successful Kenya GMO corn field trials show 40% yield increase compared to conventional corn"
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
Nature Biotechnology - "Another inconvenient truth"
"GMO corn that resists cancer-causing aflatoxin showcases biotech’s life-saving potential" by Steve Savage
Newsweek - "Can GMOs Save Our Oranges?" By Betsy Isaacson
NY Times - "How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food" By MARK LYNAS
Kale: - "Sorry Hipsters, That Organic Kale Is a Genetically Modified Food" By David Newland
"Future of milk? Genetically engineered yeast could replace cows" by Beth Kowitt
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"Unhealthy Fixation: The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer." By William Saletan
"Hawaii GMO Papaya: Real Solutions, Real Lives" By Joan Conrow and Robert Hazen
"The Daily Show - The Return of a Simplot Conspiracy"
"Natural GMO? Sweet Potato Genetically Modified 8,000 Years Ago" by MICHAELEEN DOUCLEFF
NY Times - "U.S.D.A. Approves Modified Potato. Next Up: French Fry Fans." By ANDREW POLLACK
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"Don’t fall for this trick: Organic, non-GMO candy treats aren’t healthier" By Julie Kelly
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
"Gene editing yields tomatoes that flower and ripen weeks earlier"
Do GMOs cause autism?
"Glyphosate – The New Bogeyman" by Steven Novella
"Oh, no! GMOs are going to make everyone autistic!"
Washington Post - "Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high" By Christopher Ingraham
"Glyphosate cleared as danger to honey bees" Andrew Porterfield
"10 Bullsh*t Arguments Against GMOs" By Yvette d'Entremont
"Honeybees are not in crisis, but what about beekeepers?" By Jon Entine
"Gold standard assessing neonicotinoids: Field bee hive studies find pesticides not major source of health issues" by Jon Entine
Popular Science - "CORE TRUTHS: 10 COMMON GMO CLAIMS DEBUNKED" By Brooke Borel
Does GMO Insulin cause Diabetes?
"When Liars Cross the Line - GMO Insulin" by Kevin M. Folta
Popular Science - "IN A FACE-TO-FACE GMO DEBATE, THE "FOR" SIDE WINS" By Francie Diep
Othercommon concerns:
Addressing GMO concerns: Are foods “made in labs” the same as those “made by nature” By Marc Brazeau
General articles about GMO's:
"The Psychology Of Why So Many People Are Anti-GMO" by ADELE PETERS
BBC - "Is opposition to genetically modified food irrational?"
"A Proposal to Modify Plants Gives G.M.O. Debate New Life" By GINA KOLATA
"If you don’t want your food genetically modified, tell nature to stop it." By Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar
"Beyond Belief" by Michael Hanlon
"Genetically engineered foods Q & A"
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by Dan Charles
Scientific American - "Genetically Engineered Crops—What, How and Why" By Pamela Ronald
Scientific American - "Food Fight: The Case for Genetically Modified Food" By Brendan Borrell
Forbes - "How Much Of Food Activism Is New Age, Airy-Fairy Nonsense?" By Jeff Stier and Henry I. Miller
"Why GMO Myths Are So Appealing and Powerful" by By Keith Kloor
"A short list of points concerning genetic modification"
Scientific American - "Allergic to Science–Proteins and Allergens in Our Genetically Engineered Food" By Kevin Bonham
"Everyone Please Just Shut Up About GMOs" by Meagan Hatcher-Mays
"Genetically Modified Food"
"What does science say about GMO’s–they’re safe"
"“10 ‘scientific’ responses” to '10 reasons we don’t need GMOs'"
"The Bananas Hubbub" by Steven Novella
Rational Alchemy podcast 07/17/2010 - animal ethics, organic & GM food
Science Daily - "Spontaneous GMOs in Nature: Researchers Show How a Genetically Modified Plant Can Come About"
Science Daily - "Engineered Plants Make Potential Precursor to Raw Material for Plastics"
The Atlantic - "A Golden Opportunity to Rethink Genetically Modified Foods" by James McWilliams
"Cloned Beef" by Steven Novella
Science Daily - "Genetically Modified Chickens That Don't Transmit Bird Flu Developed; Breakthrough Could Prevent Future Bird Flu Epidemics"
"GMO plants and herd immunity"
"GMO chickens and herd immunity"
"5 Complaints About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.)" (#3) By Mark M., M. Asher Cantrell
"The Conspiracy Meme" by Ted Goertzel
"GMO Opponents Are the Climate Skeptics of the Left" By Keith Kloor
"GMO labels: No heartburn, but what’s the use?" y Jayson Jacoby
"Anti-GMO liberals attack Cheerios"
"GMOs cause leukemia!? Think again." by Anastasia Bodnar
"Leaky Brains and GMOs" By Keith Kloor
"Genetically modified crops shrink farming’s pesticide footprint" by Richard Roush and David Tribe
Scientific American - "The Liberals' War on Science" By Michael Shermer
"There's No Such Thing As the Liberal War on Science" by Chris Mooney
"Farmers Deserve Options" by SAM DRYDEN
Professor Nina Fedoroff, Chair of the AAAS board – Q&A on GMOs
"When Idealists Piss Me Off" By The Quixotic Man
NPR - "Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted" by Dan Charles
"Should the World Keep Feeding Europe?"
"Farm News & Views column: Addressing the GMO debate"
"So What If Unregulated Genetically Engineered Wheat Is Found Growing on a Farm in Oregon?" by Ronald Bailey
"The Top 5 Lies About Biotech Crops" by Ronald Bailey
"When Journalists Say Really Stupid Stuff About GMOs" By Keith Kloor
"Europe's GM stance denies Africa the right to feed itself, warns leading academic" by STEVE CONNOR
"If GM crops are bad, show us the evidence" by STEVE CONNOR
"Who’s afraid of the big bad GMO?" by PZ Myers
"Stop Being Anti-Science" by Eric Hall
"Anti-GMO writers show profound ignorance of basic biology and now Jane Goodall has joined their ranks"
The Guardian - "Owen Paterson: UK must become global leader on GM crops" by John Vidal
Health & Science Dispatch - "Some sanity on genetically engineered foods" by Ruth Kava
The Telegraph - "Genetically modified foods: saving lives, or lining corporate pockets? (Or both?)" By Tom Chivers
The Telegraph - "The 'Frankenfood’ myth must not block progress"
"Monsanto. Broccoli. I Love This. Really!" By Tom Philpott
"The Next Frontier of GMOs Is Crops That Can Genetically Modify Insects Themselves
"Hawaii science ‘Swat Team’ engages public fears fanned by anti-GMO activists" by Kevin Folta
"A Modest Proposal for All Opponents of #GMOs"
"GM crops: African opposition is a farce, says group led by Kofi Annan" by Mark Tran
"Europeans Are Less Negative About GMOs Than Portrayed"
"All GM Foods Are Not Created Equal" by Alison Edwards
"Plants to uncover landmines" by Laura Nelson
"Right, left, wrong: people reject science because …" by Stephan Lewandowsky
"Stop Legitimizing the Loony Anti-GMO Voices" By Keith Kloor
"Are GMOs the climategate of the left?" By Hayley Munguia
"Time for organic activists to stop spreading lies" by Mischa Popoff
"You're Worrying About GMOs For the Wrong Reasons" by Rachel Mitchell
"Why I’m PRO GMO"
Nature - "GM maize splits Mexico" by Laura Vargas-Parada
Neil deGrasse Tyson To GMO Critics: 'Chill Out' By LAUREN F FRIEDMAN
"GMO Truthers need to be kicked out of the Progressive movement"
"No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn" By Jon Entine
"Politics vs Science" by Steven Novella
"How your food would look if not genetically modified over millennia"
"Confessions of a (Reformed) Natural Mom"
"GMO: Gimmicky Marketing Obfuscations" by JULIE KELLY & JEFF STIER
"Bill Nye had a super-weird experience in New York City that helped him go pro-GMO" by Jessica Orwig
"We Are All GMOs" by Matan Shelomi
"Would You Eat 3-D-Printed Meat?" by David Dittman
New Republic - "Are Democrats the Party of Science? Not Really." BY ERIC ARMSTRONG
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - "How to Feed the World in 2050" (pdf)
Skeptoid podcast - "Genetically Modified Organisms: Jeopardy or Jackpot?"
Talk Nerdy To Me podcast - "EPISODE 29 - KEVIN FOLTA"
Cara Santa Maria discusses GMOs on Joe Rogan's podcast at around the 50-minute mark
Joe Rogan Experience #655 - Kevin Folta
Videos about GMO's:
Michael Specter: GMOs: Why Reason Doesn’t Matter
Anastasia Bodnar PhD.: Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe to Eat? (Science of Genetic Engineering)